Tuesday, 30 April 2013

-if ThIs waS a M0vie-
=liVe y0Ur LifE,
l0Ve y0Ur LiFe,
..L0L wITh y0Ur LIfE..
-ChAnGe y0UrSeLf t0 bE STR0Ng eN0UGH-

Monday, 29 April 2013


=DtUjuKan PadA s0mEoNE..



SesuaTu Yg MnyeR0n0k AN 
bLEr iTer Lepak N 
b0rAK nan Kwan2
-MasE dEpaN-

SeriEs Ia MnyEr0n0K aN
xCayE cBer kOrANg 
..TrY wt..

tAPy JaNgan SmpaI
MeLAmpAui bTaS

.. yANg peNTinG ..
HduP mISty 

^  ^
 (@  @)
  8   #   8

Sunday, 28 April 2013

..love story..huhhu..^-^

honestly,I don’t have time to hate people who hate me,
Because I’m to busy loving people who love me.

hnya dprlukan wktu seminit ntuk mngenalmu,
Sejam ntuk mnyukaimu,
Dan shari ntuk mncntaimu,
Teapi dprlukan wktu seumur hdup
 ntuk mlupakanmu.

=hahha btul x??
ayat nieh yg akn 0rang ckap
bler dye tngkap cintan an??

..fIRst tIMe..

when I saw you,
I was scared to talk to you,
When I first talk to you,
I was scared to hug you,
When I first hug you,
I was scared to love you,
Now that I love you,
I’m scared to lose you.


I wanna fall into you
And I wanna be everything
You want me to
But I’m not sure I know how
I lose faith and I lose ground
Then I see you and remember
Unconditional love,love,love
Unconditional love.

It doesn’t matter what I say
‘cause it always seems you’re taking
Me the wrong way
But if you could read my mine you’d see
I fight myself all the time
When I see you I surrender
Unconditional love,love,love
Unconditional love,love.

Standing on a wilder shore
I got my head up in the clouds,oh
I ain’t got no sense of direction now

I wanna lie next to you
And I wanna do everything you want me to
Sometimes I wish at the sky
I imagine what the clouds look like
When I see you I remember

Unconditional love,love,love
Unconditional love
When I see you I surrender
Unconditional love,love,love
When I see you I surrender…
Unconditional love.


^    ^
(8 # 8)
(cUte x??)

Monday, 22 April 2013


..JaNgaN kaU sNgka 
lABuh tUduNgku
tAndA aLimNyA DiRiku..

..aQ JuGA sePerTimU
MaSIh mNcaRi cAri
seGeNaP cHaYA
BuaT mNeRAngi
sPaNjang PeRJalaNankU...

..kEranA tUduNgku Ini
BuKan SKaDAR mNutupi
tEtaPI mlNDungi
jUa mNgiNGAtkaN diRI ini..
mNjagE stIap Gerak gEri
kEranA aKHlak iTU adLAH bunGA dIrI..